isn't it?
i dont see somebody says tomorrow im gonna be a different man and really does. even if he changes, i dont see him last long without any clear reason. seriously, the only change that counts is the one that has a profound reason, incident, moments that actually brings significant change to a person. something as big as death, divorced parents, loss of bodily use etc.
in fact even if they do change, will it lasts forever or is it just momentary?
cause there are loads of people out there that promised to stop smoking for whatever reason is and never did isnt it?
however way we see it, we'll never know if people really does change or not, if they do change will it be permanent or is it short-lived, will the change be for better or worse?
who knows?
should we even know why?
why bother?
shouldn't we accept them as they are?
whatever they did or might do?