im learning that to be judgmental is not good.
im saddened when people are too extreme in their judgement it clouds their compassion and decision.
im more scared when Muslims freely pass judgement as if God speaks through them.
dont we realize even the beloved Prophet never pass judgement freely?
the sahabats are so scared to give their opinions because they know they will be held accountable for everything they said and did at the hereafter.
despite that i know we will have opinions on everything.
it's perfectly normal to have opinions but not exactly by passing judgement to everything and everyone.
Before you pass judgement onto others please consider these questions first :
-have you really been living the Islam way of life thoroughly and faithfully?
-do you realize everything you said is held accountable at the hereafter?
-is it in the teachings of Islam to call names, say bad things, and/or accuse of anyone be it Muslim or non-Muslim without you really have in depth knowledge of the subject?
-are you better than Rasulullah and the sahabats? because the Prophet himself never hated his neighbour that throws shit at him every single day until that neigbour died and he came to her house to say his condolence.
-only God Himself knows the absolute truth about everything and realizing that do you really know is a person is going to heaven or hell?
-do you know the only way into jannah is by His mercy? so, despite whatever you thought or knew a person had done who knows that God has gifted that person His mercy?
-then after looking at the questions above, is it in our position at all to be judgemental when it is never ours to begin with?
a reminder mostly for me and whomever reads this.
p.s. judgemental is different to opinion.