It has been a really really long time since my first blog. and i even don' know what to rant about now.
maybe something about trust issues.
how much do you trust ur friends? if u had asked me then, i think maybe sometimes i trust them too much ( the type where u never suspect them to suddenly left u at the crictical moment). it just breaks ur heat when these trusted friends of yours neglected you instead of believing in u, making their personal priority more important rather than taking the road of hardships together. i ( as long as i remembered) nvr neglected them in those type of situations and nvr even thought about it.true friends isn't everything, then what's ur everything? it doesn't matter when the outcome do just for both of you. the issue is that they 'forget' about u when u really need them in a really needy moment.
i like to think of it as a lesson to me. nvr hope too much of anything.
it is my policy to hope for the best and ready for the worst. and forgot about this when the most convenient time to do it. haha.
i'm rushing to pre-reg. bye2.