Sunday, August 14, 2011

Recipe: Tom Yam Chiang Mai Marinara

Here is the recipe for Tom Yam Chiang Mai Marinara. The recipe is composed from several recipes i got from the net and made into one. It's not an original recipe whatsoever. According to those who tasted my tomyam said it's pretty darn tasty and spicy. So as not to lose and have to again and again look for the recipes on the net i'm putting it into my blog for those who are interested and for my future reference :)

We'll start with ingredients first.

 These ingredients are prepared for a feast of 25 people. However, since we mostly don't cook for many often, i'll list down the recipe for a 5 person meal.


1/2 kilo prawn
1/2 kilo squid
100 g button mushroom
2 tomatoes
2 onions
2 bunch of coriander with its root
2 lemongrass
10 kaffir lime leaves
100 g bird's eye chili or more
100 g dried chill 
50 ml fish sauce50 g ginger
5 cups of washed grain water (air basuhan beras)
Galangal (optional)
Tom Yam paste
Sugar and salt
Lemon juice


1. Pour the washed grain water into the pot and turn heat to medium-high. Put in coriander's root, lemongrass, onions, tomatoes, ginger, galangal and a few kaffir lime leaves.
2. Wait until it starts to boil and put in the tom yam paste and blended chillies (bird's eye chili and dried chili). Wait until boiling again.
3. Put in prawn and squid. Add fish sauce.
4. Wait until squid and prawn's cooked (usually only a few minutes) and add some sugar and salt.
5. Turn off the heat and pour in some lemon juice.
6. Serve with hot plain rice.

The marinara for the tom yam. I remove the fish cutlets from the mix because fish tend to cook faster and might disintegrate if put too long along with prawn, squid and mussels.
From left: Coriander, bird's eye chili, kaffir lime leaves.
The coriander. Note how i chopped the root from the bunches and string them into one.
The Tom Yam paste that i use. There are many varieties out there. Choose any of your liking.
The chilies after i blended them. To the spice connoisseur , the more the better.
Step 1. Pour the specified ingredients into the boiling pot. Basically you already got your tom yum at this stage.
The finished product. The orange and red hue come from the paste and chilies. You can add some coconut milk or creamy carnation milk to add some mild flavour and texture.

That's all for the tom yam recipe. It's really easy to make and tastes great. If you happen to try the recipe please share your experience here. Thanks :)


  1. Syauqee, is the any difference using washed grain water instead of normally used, plain water..? Your tomyam really tempting!

  2. Hi Rafifi, sorry for the late reply.

    It's a trick i learnt from the many tomyam recipes I've looked up. Most restaurants use it to boil the soup along with chicken's bones. Better taste, a bit thicker (tebal/pekat) and give the plain water a bit more 'grainy' (keruh) texture. And it also helps eliminate fish smell (hanyir).
    I've tried it without the washed grain and it definitely has a difference although might not be that noticeable.
    I would say the tomyam looks tempting due to the color which comes from the blended chilies and paste!

    p.s - if u did some googling (of course u did) it is traditionally used for beauty purposes e.g face mask, body odor

  3. Thanks Syauqee, I don't do quite often with the water for beauty purpose, but I feed my orchid instead. :)
    Some Thai Restaurant here in KL used coconut juice and it tasted good. I will definitely try to cook tomyam with washed rice water, someday.
